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Mymee's CMO to Present at IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Event

Written by Robyn Bollhorst | Jun 10, 2020 5:43:09 PM

Mymee's Chief Medical Officer, Nicole Bundy, and other members of the Mymee team will be creating a virtual poster discussing "Digital Therapeutic Platform for Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus" at this year's IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in conjunction with the annual conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society in July.


"I am looking forward to presenting how technology and digital therapeutics can be used as a tool in the management of a complicated disease like Lupus (SLE). Despite the growing prevalence of Lupus and autoimmune disease in general, there are still very few options outside of standard pharmacological interventions. I think that the IEEE audience will be very interested in understanding how Mymee uses technology to offer a different approach entirely." said Nicole Bundy.


IEEE Computational Intelligence Society is a society with the mission to: “Advance nature-inspired computational paradigms in science and engineering.” To achieve this mission, IEEE has been hosting conferences to bring those who are passionate about technology together so that they can share ideas, new innovations and make valuable connections to therefore create value contributions to the industry. Computational intelligence is a general umbrella that includes technology involving many different industries including Digital Therapeutics. Due to ongoing quarantine standards because of Covid-19, this year's conference will be virtual.

Mymee has been invited to present: Digital Therapeutic Platform for Management of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Authors of this presentation include Mette Dyhrberg, CEO and Founder of Mymee, Dr. Nicole Bundy, Chief Medical Officer at Mymee, Millie Lytle, Health Coach at Mymee, Vanessa Rudin, Eric Lubow, and Martin Culjat.


Visit to register for this event spanning July 20th-24th.